
Unsere Preisangaben sind inkl. Mehrwertsteuer. Die Abrechnung erfolgt im Minutentakt.
Falls keine anderen Zeiten angegeben, gilt der ausgewiesene Tarif.
Die Hauptzeit gilt täglich von 8.00 bis 18.00 Uhr. Als Nebenzeit gelten alle sonstigen Zeiten.

Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten.

Stand : 01.10.2024 17 Uhr
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z 
Afghanistan76,00 Cent
Afghanistan MobileHauptzeit76,90 Cent
Afghanistan MobileNebenzeit7,69 Cent
Albania19,00 Cent
Albania Mobile99,00 Cent
Albania Tirana19,00 Cent
Algeria7,20 Cent
Algeria Algiers7,20 Cent
Algeria Mobile99,00 Cent
American Samoa23,00 Cent
Andorra19,00 Cent
Andorra Mobile99,00 Cent
Angola4,50 Cent
Angola Mobile16,00 Cent
Anguilla99,00 Cent
Antigua & Barbuda99,00 Cent
Argentina59,00 Cent
Argentina Buenos Aires59,00 Cent
Argentina Cordoba59,00 Cent
Argentina Mendoza59,00 Cent
Argentina Mobile59,00 Cent
Argentina Rosario59,00 Cent
Armenia99,00 Cent
Armenia MobileHauptzeit61,00 Cent
Armenia MobileNebenzeit16,49 Cent
Aruba21,90 Cent
Aruba Mobile99,00 Cent
Ascension Island99,00 Cent
Australia10,00 Cent
Australia Canberra10,00 Cent
Australia Melbourne10,00 Cent
Australia Mobile10,00 Cent
Australia Sydney10,00 Cent
AustriaHauptzeit0,74 Cent
AustriaNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Austria Mobile20,00 Cent
Austria Mobile A120,00 Cent
Austria ViennaHauptzeit0,74 Cent
Austria ViennaNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Azerbaijan35,00 Cent
Azerbaijan Baku35,00 Cent
Azerbaijan Mobile49,00 Cent
Bahamas18,00 Cent
Bahrain99,00 Cent
Bahrain Mobile99,00 Cent
Bangladesh22,00 Cent
Bangladesh Chittagong22,00 Cent
Bangladesh Dhaka22,00 Cent
Bangladesh Mobile2,20 Cent
Bangladesh Sylhet22,00 Cent
Barbados22,90 Cent
Barbados Mobile99,00 Cent
Belarus30,00 Cent
Belarus Minsk30,00 Cent
Belarus Mobile99,00 Cent
Belgium20,00 Cent
Belgium Antwerp20,00 Cent
Belgium Brussels20,00 Cent
Belgium Leuven20,00 Cent
Belgium MobileHauptzeit1,50 Cent
Belgium MobileNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Belize99,00 Cent
Benin49,90 Cent
Benin Mobile99,00 Cent
BermudaHauptzeit22,40 Cent
BermudaNebenzeit2,24 Cent
Bhutan99,00 Cent
Bolivia74,00 Cent
Bolivia - La Paz74,00 Cent
Bolivia Mobile74,00 Cent
Bosnia/Herzeg.18,00 Cent
Bosnia/Herzeg. Mobile49,00 Cent
Bosnia/Herzeg. Sarajevo18,00 Cent
Botswana Republic50,00 Cent
Botswana Republic Mobile99,00 Cent
BrazilHauptzeit30,00 Cent
BrazilNebenzeit0,28 Cent
Brazil Belo HorizonteHauptzeit30,00 Cent
Brazil Belo HorizonteNebenzeit0,28 Cent
Brazil Mobile20,00 Cent
Brazil Rio de JaneiroHauptzeit30,00 Cent
Brazil Rio de JaneiroNebenzeit0,28 Cent
Brazil Sao PauloHauptzeit30,00 Cent
Brazil Sao PauloNebenzeit0,28 Cent
Brunei3,50 Cent
Brunei Mobile3,80 Cent
Bulgaria16,00 Cent
Bulgaria MobileHauptzeit1,68 Cent
Bulgaria MobileNebenzeit16,80 Cent
Bulgaria Sofia16,00 Cent
Burkina Faso99,00 Cent
Burundi99,00 Cent
Cambodia6,90 Cent
Cambodia Mobile6,90 Cent
CameroonHauptzeit9,80 Cent
CameroonNebenzeit98,00 Cent
Cameroon Mobile98,00 Cent
CanadaHauptzeit0,17 Cent
CanadaNebenzeit17,00 Cent
Canada MontrealHauptzeit0,17 Cent
Canada MontrealNebenzeit17,00 Cent
Canada TorontoHauptzeit0,17 Cent
Canada TorontoNebenzeit17,00 Cent
Cape Verde99,00 Cent
Cape Verde Mobile99,00 Cent
Cayman Island99,00 Cent
Central African Rep29,90 Cent
Central African Rep Mobile99,00 Cent
Chad99,00 Cent
Chile60,00 Cent
Chile De Santiago60,00 Cent
Chile MobileHauptzeit60,00 Cent
Chile MobileNebenzeit0,72 Cent
China20,00 Cent
China Beijing20,00 Cent
China Fuzhou20,00 Cent
China Guangzhou20,00 Cent
China MobileHauptzeit20,00 Cent
China MobileNebenzeit20,00 Cent
China Shanghai20,00 Cent
China Shenzhen20,00 Cent
China Wenzhou20,00 Cent
Colombia40,00 Cent
Colombia Baranquilla40,00 Cent
Colombia Bogota40,00 Cent
Colombia Cali40,00 Cent
Colombia Medellin40,00 Cent
Colombia MobileHauptzeit0,63 Cent
Colombia MobileNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Comoros Islands99,00 Cent
Congo99,00 Cent
Congo Dem Rep (Zaire)99,00 Cent
Congo Dem Rep (Zaire) Mobile99,00 Cent
Congo Mobile99,00 Cent
Cook Islands99,00 Cent
Costa RicaHauptzeit17,00 Cent
Costa RicaNebenzeit1,76 Cent
Costa Rica Mobile16,00 Cent
CroatiaHauptzeit0,21 Cent
CroatiaNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Croatia DubrovnikHauptzeit0,21 Cent
Croatia DubrovnikNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Croatia Mobile20,00 Cent
Croatia SplitHauptzeit0,21 Cent
Croatia SplitNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Croatia ZagrebHauptzeit0,21 Cent
Croatia ZagrebNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Cuba85,00 Cent
Cuba Mobile99,00 Cent
Cyprus1,00 Cent
Cyprus Mobile4,30 Cent
Czech RepublicHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Czech RepublicNebenzeit0,50 Cent
Czech Republic Mobile20,00 Cent
Czech Republic PragueHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Czech Republic PragueNebenzeit0,50 Cent
Denmark20,00 Cent
Denmark MobileHauptzeit0,51 Cent
Denmark MobileNebenzeit20,00 Cent
Diego Garcia99,00 Cent
Djibouti Republic22,00 Cent
Djibouti Republic Mobile99,00 Cent
Dominica99,00 Cent
Dominican Republic71,00 Cent
East Timor99,00 Cent
EcuadorHauptzeit90,00 Cent
EcuadorNebenzeit9,77 Cent
Ecuador - Mobile90,00 Cent
Ecuador CuencaHauptzeit90,00 Cent
Ecuador CuencaNebenzeit9,77 Cent
Ecuador GuayaguilHauptzeit90,00 Cent
Ecuador GuayaguilNebenzeit9,77 Cent
Ecuador QuitoHauptzeit90,00 Cent
Ecuador QuitoNebenzeit9,77 Cent
EgyptHauptzeit6,17 Cent
EgyptNebenzeit61,70 Cent
Egypt AlexandriaHauptzeit6,17 Cent
Egypt AlexandriaNebenzeit61,70 Cent
Egypt CairoHauptzeit6,17 Cent
Egypt CairoNebenzeit61,70 Cent
Egypt Mobile61,70 Cent
El Salvador47,00 Cent
El Salvador Mobile47,00 Cent
Equatorial Guinea29,90 Cent
Equatorial Guinea Mobile99,00 Cent
Eritrea49,90 Cent
Eritrea Mobile99,00 Cent
Estonia20,00 Cent
Estonia Mobile2,80 Cent
Ethiopia23,00 Cent
Ethiopia Addis Ababa23,00 Cent
Ethiopia Mobile99,00 Cent
Faeroe Islands99,00 Cent
Falkland Islands99,00 Cent
Fiji Islands99,00 Cent
Finland20,00 Cent
Finland Helsinki20,00 Cent
Finland Mobile3,20 Cent
France0,80 Cent
France Mobile8,00 Cent
France Paris0,80 Cent
French Guyana3,00 Cent
French Guyana Mobile9,90 Cent
French Polynesia99,00 Cent
Gabon99,00 Cent
Gambia99,00 Cent
Gambia Mobile99,00 Cent
Georgia17,00 Cent
Georgia Mobile99,00 Cent
Georgia Tbilisi17,00 Cent
Germany MobileHauptzeit15,00 Cent
Germany MobileNebenzeit1,50 Cent
Germany Mobile EplusHauptzeit15,00 Cent
Germany Mobile EplusNebenzeit1,50 Cent
Germany Mobile LycatelHauptzeit15,00 Cent
Germany Mobile LycatelNebenzeit1,50 Cent
Germany Mobile SipgateHauptzeit15,00 Cent
Germany Mobile SipgateNebenzeit1,50 Cent
Germany Mobile T-MobileHauptzeit15,00 Cent
Germany Mobile T-MobileNebenzeit1,50 Cent
Germany Mobile Telefónica O2Hauptzeit15,00 Cent
Germany Mobile Telefónica O2Nebenzeit1,50 Cent
Germany Mobile VodafoneHauptzeit15,00 Cent
Germany Mobile VodafoneNebenzeit1,50 Cent
Ghana99,00 Cent
Ghana Accra99,00 Cent
Ghana Mobile99,00 Cent
Gibraltar3,90 Cent
Gibraltar Mobile15,90 Cent
Greece10,00 Cent
Greece Athens10,00 Cent
Greece Mobile10,00 Cent
Greenland99,00 Cent
Grenada99,00 Cent
Guadeloupe1,90 Cent
Guadeloupe Mobile19,00 Cent
Guam99,00 Cent
Guatemala99,00 Cent
Guinea99,00 Cent
Guinea Bissau99,00 Cent
Guinea Mobile99,00 Cent
Guyana99,00 Cent
Haiti99,00 Cent
Honduras14,90 Cent
Honduras Mobile19,00 Cent
Hong Kong11,00 Cent
Hong Kong Mobile11,00 Cent
HungaryHauptzeit22,00 Cent
HungaryNebenzeit22,00 Cent
Hungary BudapestHauptzeit22,00 Cent
Hungary BudapestNebenzeit22,00 Cent
Hungary Mobile22,00 Cent
Iceland2,10 Cent
Iceland Mobile2,10 Cent
India76,00 Cent
India Ahmedabad76,00 Cent
India Bangalore76,00 Cent
India Bombay76,00 Cent
India Calcutta76,00 Cent
India Chennai76,00 Cent
India Hyderabad76,00 Cent
India Jalandhar76,00 Cent
India Mobile7,60 Cent
India New Dehli76,00 Cent
Indonesia16,00 Cent
Indonesia Jakarta16,00 Cent
Indonesia Mobile16,00 Cent
Indonesia Surabaya16,00 Cent
Iran21,00 Cent
Iran MobileHauptzeit21,00 Cent
Iran MobileNebenzeit21,00 Cent
Iran Teheran21,00 Cent
IraqHauptzeit8,20 Cent
IraqNebenzeit82,00 Cent
Iraq BagdadHauptzeit8,20 Cent
Iraq BagdadNebenzeit82,00 Cent
Iraq Mobile82,00 Cent
Ireland18,00 Cent
Ireland Dublin18,00 Cent
Ireland MobileHauptzeit0,61 Cent
Ireland MobileNebenzeit16,00 Cent
Israel28,00 Cent
Israel Haifa28,00 Cent
Israel Jerusalem28,00 Cent
Israel MobileHauptzeit10,00 Cent
Israel MobileNebenzeit28,00 Cent
Israel Tel Aviv28,00 Cent
ItalyHauptzeit20,00 Cent
ItalyNebenzeit0,26 Cent
Italy MilanHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Italy MilanNebenzeit0,26 Cent
Italy Mobile20,00 Cent
Italy RomeHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Italy RomeNebenzeit0,26 Cent
Ivory Coast99,00 Cent
Ivory Coast Abidjan99,00 Cent
Ivory Coast Mobile99,00 Cent
Jamaica24,00 Cent
Jamaica Mobile24,00 Cent
JapanHauptzeit2,10 Cent
JapanNebenzeit12,00 Cent
Japan Mobile12,00 Cent
Japan OsakaHauptzeit2,10 Cent
Japan OsakaNebenzeit12,00 Cent
Japan TokyoHauptzeit2,10 Cent
Japan TokyoNebenzeit12,00 Cent
Japan YokohamaHauptzeit2,10 Cent
Japan YokohamaNebenzeit12,00 Cent
Jordan18,00 Cent
Jordan Amman18,00 Cent
Jordan Mobile19,90 Cent
Kazakhstan71,00 Cent
Kazakhstan Almaty71,00 Cent
Kazakhstan MobileHauptzeit71,00 Cent
Kazakhstan MobileNebenzeit7,10 Cent
Kenya18,00 Cent
Kenya Mobile99,00 Cent
Kenya Mombasa18,00 Cent
Kenya Nairobi18,00 Cent
Kiribati99,00 Cent
Korea Dem Rep (North)99,00 Cent
Korea Rep (South)5,90 Cent
Korea Rep (South) Mobile10,00 Cent
Korea South Seoul5,90 Cent
Kosovo29,00 Cent
Kosovo Mobile99,00 Cent
Kuwait4,50 Cent
Kuwait Mobile5,00 Cent
Kyrgyzstan21,00 Cent
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek21,00 Cent
Kyrgyzstan Mobile21,90 Cent
Laos99,00 Cent
Latvia2,00 Cent
Latvia Mobile20,00 Cent
Latvia Riga2,00 Cent
LebanonHauptzeit6,73 Cent
LebanonNebenzeit65,00 Cent
Lebanon BeirutHauptzeit6,73 Cent
Lebanon BeirutNebenzeit65,00 Cent
Lebanon Mobile60,00 Cent
Lesotho99,00 Cent
Liberia99,00 Cent
Libya28,00 Cent
Libya Mobile99,00 Cent
Liechtenstein7,50 Cent
Liechtenstein Mobile7,50 Cent
Lithuania13,00 Cent
Lithuania Mobile21,00 Cent
Luxembourg12,00 Cent
Luxembourg Mobile21,00 Cent
Macao11,00 Cent
Macedonia17,00 Cent
Macedonia Mobile99,00 Cent
Macedonia Skopje17,00 Cent
Madagascar99,00 Cent
Madagascar Mobile99,00 Cent
Malawi99,00 Cent
Malawi Mobile99,00 Cent
Malaysia60,00 Cent
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur60,00 Cent
Malaysia MobileHauptzeit0,72 Cent
Malaysia MobileNebenzeit50,00 Cent
Maledives99,00 Cent
Maledives Mobile99,00 Cent
Mali Republic99,00 Cent
Mali Republic Mobile99,00 Cent
Malta10,00 Cent
Malta MobileHauptzeit1,05 Cent
Malta MobileNebenzeit10,00 Cent
Marshall Islands29,00 Cent
Martinique22,00 Cent
Martinique Mobile22,00 Cent
Mauritania99,00 Cent
Mauritius17,00 Cent
Mauritius Mobile17,00 Cent
Mayotte Islands2,50 Cent
Mayotte Islands Mobile9,00 Cent
MexicoHauptzeit10,00 Cent
MexicoNebenzeit0,32 Cent
Mexico GuadalajaraHauptzeit10,00 Cent
Mexico GuadalajaraNebenzeit0,32 Cent
Mexico Mexico CityHauptzeit10,00 Cent
Mexico Mexico CityNebenzeit0,32 Cent
Mexico Mobile34,00 Cent
Mexico MonterreyHauptzeit10,00 Cent
Mexico MonterreyNebenzeit0,32 Cent
Micronesia99,00 Cent
Moldova35,00 Cent
Moldova Mobile99,00 Cent
Monaco8,00 Cent
Monaco Mobile99,00 Cent
Monaco Mobile KFOR99,00 Cent
Mongolia20,00 Cent
Mongolia Mobile2,00 Cent
Montenegro25,00 Cent
Montenegro Mobile99,00 Cent
Montserrat99,00 Cent
MoroccoHauptzeit10,00 Cent
MoroccoNebenzeit1,99 Cent
Morocco CasablancaHauptzeit10,00 Cent
Morocco CasablancaNebenzeit1,99 Cent
Morocco Mobile54,00 Cent
MozambiqueHauptzeit3,79 Cent
MozambiqueNebenzeit37,90 Cent
Mozambique Mobile38,00 Cent
Myanmar (Burma)99,00 Cent
Namibia99,00 Cent
Namibia Mobile77,00 Cent
NationalHauptzeit4,00 Cent
NationalNebenzeit4,00 Cent
Nauru99,00 Cent
Nepal29,90 Cent
Nepal Kathmandu29,90 Cent
Nepal Mobile16,90 Cent
NetherlandsHauptzeit2,00 Cent
NetherlandsNebenzeit22,00 Cent
Netherlands AmsterdamHauptzeit2,00 Cent
Netherlands AmsterdamNebenzeit22,00 Cent
Netherlands Ant.99,00 Cent
Netherlands Mobile22,00 Cent
Netherlands RotterdamHauptzeit2,00 Cent
Netherlands RotterdamNebenzeit22,00 Cent
Netherlands The HagueHauptzeit2,00 Cent
Netherlands The HagueNebenzeit22,00 Cent
New Caledonia99,00 Cent
New Zealand1,35 Cent
New Zealand Auckland1,35 Cent
New Zealand Mobile4,40 Cent
Nicaragua14,00 Cent
Nicaragua Mobile99,00 Cent
Niger49,90 Cent
Niger Mobile99,00 Cent
Nigeria24,00 Cent
Nigeria Lagos24,00 Cent
Nigeria Mobile99,00 Cent
Niue Islands99,00 Cent
Northern Mariana Isl5,50 Cent
NorwayHauptzeit20,00 Cent
NorwayNebenzeit0,28 Cent
Norway Mobile20,00 Cent
Norway OsloHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Norway OsloNebenzeit0,28 Cent
OmanHauptzeit88,90 Cent
OmanNebenzeit8,89 Cent
Oman Mobile82,00 Cent
Pakistan5,50 Cent
Pakistan Islamabad5,50 Cent
Pakistan Karachi5,50 Cent
Pakistan Lahore5,50 Cent
Pakistan Mobile5,50 Cent
Palau28,00 Cent
Palestinian Territory18,00 Cent
Palestinian Territory Mobile99,00 Cent
Panama5,00 Cent
Panama Mobile20,00 Cent
Panama Panama City5,00 Cent
Papua New Guinea99,00 Cent
ParaguayHauptzeit20,00 Cent
ParaguayNebenzeit1,28 Cent
Paraguay AsuncionHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Paraguay AsuncionNebenzeit1,28 Cent
Paraguay Mobile20,00 Cent
PeruHauptzeit20,00 Cent
PeruNebenzeit0,30 Cent
Peru LimaHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Peru LimaNebenzeit0,30 Cent
Peru Mobile20,00 Cent
Philippines45,00 Cent
Philippines Manila45,00 Cent
Philippines Mobile52,00 Cent
Poland11,00 Cent
Poland Gdansk11,00 Cent
Poland Katowice11,00 Cent
Poland Krakow11,00 Cent
Poland MobileHauptzeit1,72 Cent
Poland MobileNebenzeit17,00 Cent
Poland Warsaw11,00 Cent
Poland Wroclaw11,00 Cent
Portugal11,00 Cent
Portugal - Azores11,00 Cent
Portugal Lisboa11,00 Cent
Portugal Madeira11,00 Cent
Portugal MobileHauptzeit0,96 Cent
Portugal MobileNebenzeit19,00 Cent
Portugal Porto11,00 Cent
Puerto Rico10,00 Cent
Qatar18,00 Cent
Qatar Mobile19,00 Cent
Reunion Islands2,50 Cent
Reunion Islands Mobile25,00 Cent
Romania4,80 Cent
Romania Bucarest4,80 Cent
Romania Mobile4,80 Cent
RussiaHauptzeit3,00 Cent
RussiaNebenzeit30,00 Cent
Russia - MoscowHauptzeit10,00 Cent
Russia - MoscowNebenzeit30,00 Cent
Russia - St PetersburgHauptzeit3,00 Cent
Russia - St PetersburgNebenzeit30,00 Cent
Russia KemerovoHauptzeit3,00 Cent
Russia KemerovoNebenzeit30,00 Cent
Russia Mobile30,00 Cent
Rwanda49,90 Cent
Rwanda Mobile99,00 Cent
San Marino49,90 Cent
Sao Tome99,00 Cent
Saudi Arabia90,00 Cent
Saudi Arabia Jeddah90,00 Cent
Saudi Arabia Mobile90,00 Cent
Saudi Arabia Riyadh90,00 Cent
Senegal Dakar99,00 Cent
Senegal Republic99,00 Cent
Senegal Republic Mobile99,00 Cent
Serbia29,00 Cent
Serbia Belgrade29,00 Cent
Serbia Mobile99,00 Cent
Seychelles69,00 Cent
Seychelles Mobile99,00 Cent
Sierra Leone99,00 Cent
Singapore4,70 Cent
Singapore Mobile8,00 Cent
SlovakiaHauptzeit20,00 Cent
SlovakiaNebenzeit0,48 Cent
Slovakia BratislavaHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Slovakia BratislavaNebenzeit0,48 Cent
Slovakia Mobile20,00 Cent
SloveniaHauptzeit17,00 Cent
SloveniaNebenzeit0,79 Cent
Slovenia Mobile19,00 Cent
Solomon Islands99,00 Cent
Somalia99,00 Cent
Somalia Mobile99,00 Cent
Somalia Mogadishu99,00 Cent
South Africa19,00 Cent
South Africa Cape Town19,00 Cent
South Africa Johannesburg19,00 Cent
South Africa Mobile19,00 Cent
South Africa Pretoria19,00 Cent
South Sudan99,00 Cent
Spain15,00 Cent
Spain - Balaeric Islands15,00 Cent
Spain - Canary Islands15,00 Cent
Spain Barcelona15,00 Cent
Spain Girona15,00 Cent
Spain Madrid15,00 Cent
Spain MobileHauptzeit0,98 Cent
Spain MobileNebenzeit19,00 Cent
Spain Tarragona15,00 Cent
Spain Valencia15,00 Cent
Sri Lanka25,00 Cent
Sri Lanka MobileHauptzeit12,39 Cent
Sri Lanka MobileNebenzeit90,00 Cent
St Helena49,90 Cent
St Kitts & Nevis49,90 Cent
St Lucia99,00 Cent
St MaartenHauptzeit2,00 Cent
St MaartenNebenzeit22,00 Cent
St Pierre & Miquelon25,00 Cent
St Vinc & Grenadines99,00 Cent
Sudan18,00 Cent
Sudan Mobile99,00 Cent
Suriname99,00 Cent
Swaziland99,00 Cent
Swaziland Mobile99,00 Cent
SwedenHauptzeit20,00 Cent
SwedenNebenzeit0,37 Cent
Sweden Mobile20,00 Cent
Sweden StockholmHauptzeit20,00 Cent
Sweden StockholmNebenzeit0,37 Cent
Switzerland9,00 Cent
Switzerland Basel9,00 Cent
Switzerland Geneva9,00 Cent
Switzerland Lausanne9,00 Cent
Switzerland Mobile9,00 Cent
Switzerland Zurich9,00 Cent
Syria47,00 Cent
Syria Mobile99,00 Cent
Taiwan3,10 Cent
Taiwan Mobile49,00 Cent
Taiwan Taipei3,10 Cent
Tajikistan19,00 Cent
Tajikistan Dushanbe19,00 Cent
Tajikistan Mobile99,00 Cent
Tanzania99,00 Cent
ThailandHauptzeit1,14 Cent
ThailandNebenzeit11,00 Cent
Thailand BangkokHauptzeit1,14 Cent
Thailand BangkokNebenzeit11,00 Cent
Thailand Mobile15,00 Cent
Togo29,90 Cent
Togo Mobile99,00 Cent
Tokelau49,90 Cent
Tonga Kingdom99,00 Cent
Trinidad & Tobago99,00 Cent
Tunisia99,00 Cent
Tunisia Mobile99,00 Cent
Tunisia Tunis99,00 Cent
Turkey12,00 Cent
Turkey - North Cyprus9,90 Cent
Turkey - North Cyprus Mobile49,00 Cent
Turkey Ankara12,00 Cent
Turkey Gaziantep12,00 Cent
Turkey Istanbul12,00 Cent
Turkey Izmir12,00 Cent
Turkey Kayseri12,00 Cent
Turkey Mobile21,00 Cent
Turkey Samsun12,00 Cent
Turkmenistan19,90 Cent
Turkmenistan Mobile99,00 Cent
Turks & Caicos Islands99,00 Cent
Tuvalu99,00 Cent
UKHauptzeit0,21 Cent
UKNebenzeit20,00 Cent
UK Channel IslandsHauptzeit0,21 Cent
UK Channel IslandsNebenzeit20,00 Cent
UK EdinburghHauptzeit0,21 Cent
UK EdinburghNebenzeit20,00 Cent
UK Isle of ManHauptzeit0,21 Cent
UK Isle of ManNebenzeit20,00 Cent
UK LondonHauptzeit0,21 Cent
UK LondonNebenzeit20,00 Cent
UK ManchesterHauptzeit0,21 Cent
UK ManchesterNebenzeit20,00 Cent
UK Mobile12,00 Cent
UK Nothern IrelandHauptzeit0,21 Cent
UK Nothern IrelandNebenzeit20,00 Cent
USA4,00 Cent
USA - Alaska4,00 Cent
USA - Hawaii4,00 Cent
Uganda35,00 Cent
Uganda Mobile99,00 Cent
Ukraine14,00 Cent
Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk14,00 Cent
Ukraine Donetsk14,00 Cent
Ukraine Kharkiv14,00 Cent
Ukraine Kiev14,00 Cent
Ukraine Lviv14,00 Cent
Ukraine Mobile40,00 Cent
Ukraine Odessa14,00 Cent
United Arab EmiratesHauptzeit34,00 Cent
United Arab EmiratesNebenzeit14,00 Cent
United Arab Emirates Mobile34,00 Cent
Uruguay30,00 Cent
Uruguay Mobile30,00 Cent
Uruguay Montevideo30,00 Cent
Uzbekistan12,00 Cent
Uzbekistan Mobile12,00 Cent
Uzbekistan Tashkent12,00 Cent
Vanuatu99,00 Cent
Vatican CityHauptzeit22,00 Cent
Vatican CityNebenzeit0,47 Cent
VenezuelaHauptzeit50,00 Cent
VenezuelaNebenzeit1,03 Cent
Venezuela CaracasHauptzeit50,00 Cent
Venezuela CaracasNebenzeit1,03 Cent
Venezuela Mobile50,00 Cent
Vietnam7,00 Cent
Vietnam Hanoi7,00 Cent
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh7,00 Cent
Vietnam Mobile7,00 Cent
Virgin Islands (UK)49,90 Cent
Virgin Islands (US)25,00 Cent
Wallis and Futuna99,00 Cent
Western Samoa99,00 Cent
Yemen16,90 Cent
Yemen Mobile16,90 Cent
Yemen Sanaa16,90 Cent
Zambia19,90 Cent
Zambia Mobile99,00 Cent
Zimbabwe14,00 Cent
Zimbabwe Mobile99,00 Cent
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